Fix Offline Title in Avid Media Composer

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This tutorial explains how to fix an offline title in Avid Media Composer two different ways. If you have a title that is offline, there’s no need to worry. You can fix it in seconds. I show you how in this video.

Here’s a quick recap of the video that explains how to fix an offline title in Avid Media Composer:

Offline Title in Sequence — Method #1

  1. Place your time position indicator (the blue bar in the timeline) over top of the offline title.
  2. Go to the Clip menu at the top and select Re-create Title Media.
  3. Select the bin and resolution.
  4. Boom! You got yourself a title that’s now online.

Bonus Tip — Under the Timeline’s Fast Menu, select Clip Color and make sure Offline is checked. This will show you offline clips in red in your timeline.

Offline Title in Bin — Method #2

  1. Select offline title in the bin.
  2. Go to the Clip menu at the top and select Create Unrendered Title Media.
  3. Boom! You got yourself a title that’s now online.

Recommended Viewing: Title Tool Shortcuts Tutorial for Avid Media Composer

The music used in this video was “Paper Trail” by Travis Loafman. It was purchased and licensed through my friends at Soundstripe (affiliate link).

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– Josh

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