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The Most Difficult Part About Mastering a Skill

There are an infinite amount of projects one can work on. New project after new project pop into our heads and we want to pursue each one. So we start down a path hoping to make this one great thing. But then a new idea pops in our heads for something completely different. Ahead, the path we’re currently on seems shrouded in mystery and overgrown with bushes and thrones. So we backtrack and start down a new path. Mastering a skill is so darn difficult.

Photo by Zack Silver courtesy of Unsplash

We get far enough down this new path when the same thing happens. Maybe we go a little further this time before starting something new. Maybe we stop at the first bend in the road or rain cloud in the sky. Time for a new path.

The most difficult part about accomplishing a project or completing a goal or mastering a skill is staying on that same path regardless of obstacles.

A path I recently vacated was learning Vietnamese. I reached a point in my Mango lessons where it was too difficult to retain the information in the time I was allowing myself to focus on the mission. My willpower was gone and I have zero guidance. I quit. I gave up. It got too hard. The thrones were too much to take.

There are tons of these paths we are all taking at the same time. If you’re reading this you’re probably on one path that sounds something like, “I want to feel more confident while I edit” or “I want to get paid more for the videos I create” and you’re going down this path trying to figure it out as you go. It’s scary. You doubt yourself everyday. But if you have the willpower and the right guides maybe you’ll be able to make it.

I’ll make a promise to you. If you supply the willpower, I’ll be one of the guides for you down this path. I’m not sure how but I promise I’ll to continue to provide content that’ll get you there.

I hope you’re doing well. Reach out if you’re struggling with anything.


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