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Fast Method to Duplicate Clip in Premiere Pro Timeline

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This tutorial teaches you a fast and simple method to duplicate a clip in the Premiere Pro timeline. You can do this for video, audio, titles, images, or whatever else you have in your Premiere Pro timeline that you want to duplicate fast.

Keyboard Shortcut for Fast Duplicate in PPro

To duplicate the clip quickly, hold down the Opt key if you’re on a Mac or the Alt key if you’re on a Windows computer. Then click the clip you want to duplicate. With the Opt/Alt key still held down, drag the clip to another spot on the timeline — probably either down the timeline to the right or up a track to an empty spot. Then you can un-click your mouse then let go of Opt/Alt.

Everything gets duplicated. So if you have any transitions, effects, alterations to the motion properties, or changes to audio levels it all gets duplicated onto the new clip.

Hold down Opt/Alt then click and drag the clip that you want to duplicate in Premiere Pro

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Duplicating Legacy Titles in Premiere Pro

This is different than copy/paste [link]. If you work with Legacy Titles still (at least before they’re taken away from us 😭) one awesome thing about this method fast duplication method is that a new instance of that title is made in Premiere Pro. So if you Opt/Alt+drag a Legacy Title to duplicate it, you’ll see a new title appear in your bin. You can edit the duplicated title without effecting the original one.

Opt/Alt+Dragging a Legacy Title = a new instance of that title

If you’ve now gone through this tutorial and you still need help, please leave a comment and I’ll do what I can to help troubleshoot it. But if you can now do a fast duplicate of clips in Premiere Pro, I hope you stick around and check out some of the other Premiere Pro tutorials on my website or consider signing up to get notified about new blog posts and happenings around EVF.

– Josh

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