This tutorial is on how to copy and share guides between compositions in After Effects. You can create guides in one comp, export a .guides file, then import that file in a new comp so the same guides appear.
Here’s how to do it…
Start with After Effects open and a composition open as well. Use Command+R if you’re on a Mac or Control+R if you’re on a PC to bring up the Rulers. Click in a ruler and pull a guide out into the composition. Repeat as needed.
Read the article and watch the video in the box below to get a more in-depth tutorial on creating guides. 👇🏼
Additional Suggested Viewing: How to Create Guides in After Effects
Next you need to export the guides from After Effects. Go to the View menu and choose Export Guides… Then export the .guides file.

Open your new composition, the one you want to copy the guides over to. Go to the View menu and choose Import Guides… and import the .guides file.
Boom! The same guides are now on both compositions. That’s how to copy guides between compositions in After Effects.
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– Josh