In this video and article I answer the question: Why are most video editors introverts?
Why most video editors are introverts
Being an introvert like myself doesn’t necessarily mean you are just shy. Instead, I find that introversion and extroversion is more about energy.
Energy and Introversion vs. Extroversion
Being an introvert means people take energy from you. When you are around people it drains you of energy. On the flip side, if you’re an extrovert then people give you energy. Crowds, gatherings, group settings, etc. infuse you with energy.
Being a video editor allows us to spend most of the day alone — not sapping our energy by being around others.

In my current role as a video producer and project manager I deal with a lot more people than I’m used to. The previous decade I spent 95% of my work day isolated from folks. Now I spend probably 75% of my day around others, in meetings, on calls, or crafting emails to people I’ve never met face-to-face. I find myself so much more tired and drained of energy than before. This could also be because I now have a 1-year-old 😅.
What if you’re extroverted video editor?
There are definitely extroverted editors among us. But they’re the exception, not the rule in my experience. Based on my current circumstances I can attest to how hard it is being an introvert in an extrovert-type position. I’m positive the same is true as when you’re an extrovert in an introvert-type position like a video editor.

If you are an extrovert video editor you may have to find ways throughout the day to get that social interaction in so you can get that energy you’re lacking.
When you’re an introvert and you find yourself in the aforementioned extrovert situations (conference calls, meetings, etc.) you’ll have to find a way to get some alone time to recoup some of the energy you spent.
I hope I was able to answer the question: Why are most video editors introverts? I’d like to know what you think! Leave a comment below.
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Helpful Links for Introvert or Extrovert Video Editors
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– Josh
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