This Premiere Pro tutorial teaches you how move all the clips in your timeline together at once. You’ll also learn how to move select clips in your timeline. You can move these clips left, right, up, or down. Here’s how:
Accessing and Using the Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts and Tools to Move Clips
There are a variety of keyboard shortcuts and tools you can use to move all or some of your clips in Premiere Pro.
The easiest one is Command+A (Mac) or Control+A (Windows). Using this keyboard shortcut with the Timeline panel active will select every single clip on your timeline. You can then click and drag these clips left, right, up, or down.
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While this is useful, I generally need to move a hunk of clips at once. For this you can use the Track Select Forward Tool (keyboard shortcut = A) or the Tack Select Backward Tool (keyboard shortcut = Shift+A).

I usually use the Track Select Forward Tool to make a gap in my timeline so I can add in another clip. Yes, you can insert edit a clip in but sometimes you might not want to.
Sometimes you may want to split a clip at a certain time and move it over. You can do an Add Edit then hit the A key to select the second half of the clip and everything after it then slide it down the timeline.
Moving Multiple Clips in PPro
Instead of selecting all clips or everything down the timeline from a certain spot, you may just want to select a few clips. You can hold the Shift key and click multiple clips to select them at once. Then move left, right, up, or down.
One more trick for you is to lasso multiple clips together. I tend to do this more so shift+clicking. Click in an empty area of the timeline then lasso the clips you want to select. Then move them.
If you’ve now gone through this tutorial and you still need help, please leave a comment and I’ll do what I can to help troubleshoot it. But if you can now move all clips together into Premiere Pro, I hope you stick around and check out some of the other Premiere Pro tutorials on my website or consider signing up to get notified about new blog posts and happenings around EVF.
– Josh
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