Many (most? all??) of us are burnt out but still have deadlines we have to hit. These videos aren’t going to edit themselves. Hush over there, AI people. Here is a strategy that I use when I need to get stuff done but haven’t the willpower to move my mouse. I call it the Tiny Reverse Pomodoro Technique.
Video Editor Journey
The One Habit I’m Focusing on to be a Better Editor in 2023
This article discusses the one habit I’m focusing on to become a better video editor in 2023. I’ll dive into what makes a good habit, some examples of my own good and bad habits, and what I’ll be doing the next 365 days.
Inspiration for Every Video Editor
This short post is for a video editor needing a little bit of inspiration. Being a video editor goes way beyond cutting a video. Hope you enjoy it, friend.
Traits of a Great Freelance Video Editing Client
Last week I had a new freelance video editing project come in. My #1 freelance writing client wanted a video created and turned to me to do the editing. Will they also be a great freelance video editing client?
I got going with it, working almost a full day over the course of a handful of nights and a Saturday morning. Then I got an email saying to stop working on the project and that they wanted to table it for a couple months while they work up a larger marketing campaign.
Well, damn. I spent almost a day on this thing and I’m going to have to wait to get paid until we complete the project…
But that didn’t happen. They told me to bill for the hours I’ve worked so far. The next day I had a few hundred bucks sitting in my PayPal account. Reasons like this are exactly why I love working with this company.
Sure, my project got put on hold and I made a fraction of what I would have otherwise but something happened outside of my point of contact’s control and they made good on the work that I got done and paid me immediately. These are traits of a great freelance client.
Below I’ve brainstormed a few more traits of a great freelance client, specifically for video editors. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this as well.
Naptime Blog Update
Since my son was born this summer I’ve found it difficult to find time for anything that doesn’t revolve around him, my wife, my dog, my 9-5, or the mountain of bottles I need to wash that seems to never disappear next to my sink.
For the past 6 ½ years I’ve been living separate lives from my home/office lives through my various blogs and online platforms. It’s disheartening to see my projects grow cobwebs.
After some self-reflection while a 17lb tiny human slept on my chest I realized I’m letting perfection and the size of what I want to create get in the way. In my mind I want everything I create to be near flawless and be of substantial length.
The Video Editor’s Digest | Edition #39
Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest!
In case you’re new around here, in the Video Editor’s Digest you get the lowdown on some cool happenings from around the internet on things related to video editing, video production, or just being a creative professional. It also gives me a chance to update you about new pieces on the EVF website and YouTube channel and tell you any freelance, work, or life stories I may have.
If you have a resource of your own or one you stumble across that you want to share in a future Video Editor’s Digest, you can submit it here.
Alright, let’s get into it!
Quick Tip!
Always fiddling with the settings in Adobe Media Encoder? Create your own presets by clicking the button that’s circled in the picture. After you save your preset it’ll appear at the top of the Preset dropdown list for that format. I have 10 or so presets saved for what it’s worth.

The Video Editor’s Digest | Edition #38
Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest!
In case you’re new around here, in the Video Editor’s Digest you get the lowdown on some cool happenings from around the internet on things related to video editing, video production, or just being a creative professional. It also gives me a chance to update you about new pieces on the EVF website and YouTube channel and tell you any freelance, work, or life stories I may have.
If you have a resource of your own or one you stumble across that you want to share in a future Video Editor’s Digest, you can submit it here.
Alright, let’s get into it!
Recent Life and Career Changes
Eight months ago my personal life got flipped upside down. Four months ago my professional career took a drastic turn. And a few weeks from now every waking second of my existence will forever be altered.
You can probably guess one of the changes already — my wife and I are pregnant. Our son will be here before we know it. Man, I’m nervous and excited and every other emotion in between.
The other twist of fate life threw at me was a career change. I traded in the edit bay for another role. In February I started transitioning off of editing projects and over to the producing / project management side of things. I’m with the same company and working on the same product but in a completely different role. As of mid-March I moved over to this full-time and started growing a team under me.
The only thing you need to succeed in 2019
It’s early in 2019. The confetti is still falling. Most of us are back to the office. Ready or not it’s time to begin another year in our careers. Another year of our lives.
Looking back at 2018 maybe there was something you didn’t do. Something you didn’t learn. Or something you didn’t accomplish. A project, a habit, a new NLE to master, a documentary to edit. So we look to 2019 as our saving grace. We have a whole fresh calendar for us to get X done. And that fills us with a glimmer of hope. That we can make that change this year. Heck, we have 12 whole months.
As the confetti is swept up and the hangovers from NYE are cured, we head back to the edit bay or cubical or home office. We got this in 2019. Then…we check our email.
Why are you in post production?
Am a video editor because… I’ve been seeing this question lately on Twitter: Why are you in post production? Why are you in Post Production? #postchat — #PostChat (@postchat) October 25, 2018 My answer is a bit different than most. It’s not because I have a passion for telling stories. It’s because… well… I explain … Read more