Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest! In this edition we cover post production at Netflix, a new feature in Premiere, 2D vs. 3D animation & more.
TV and Film
The Video Editor’s Digest | Edition #43
Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest! In this edition we cover Hollywood’s favorite NLE, the freelancer’s triangle, The Mandalorian, animated textures in AE & more.
The Video Editor’s Digest | Edition #40
Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest! In this edition we cover a free audio syncing tool, Stranger Things FX in AE, artsy movie trailers, & more.
The Video Editor’s Digest | Edition #39
Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest!
In case you’re new around here, in the Video Editor’s Digest you get the lowdown on some cool happenings from around the internet on things related to video editing, video production, or just being a creative professional. It also gives me a chance to update you about new pieces on the EVF website and YouTube channel and tell you any freelance, work, or life stories I may have.
If you have a resource of your own or one you stumble across that you want to share in a future Video Editor’s Digest, you can submit it here.
Alright, let’s get into it!
Quick Tip!
Always fiddling with the settings in Adobe Media Encoder? Create your own presets by clicking the button that’s circled in the picture. After you save your preset it’ll appear at the top of the Preset dropdown list for that format. I have 10 or so presets saved for what it’s worth.

The Video Editor’s Digest | Edition #38
Hey there and welcome back to the Video Editor’s Digest!
In case you’re new around here, in the Video Editor’s Digest you get the lowdown on some cool happenings from around the internet on things related to video editing, video production, or just being a creative professional. It also gives me a chance to update you about new pieces on the EVF website and YouTube channel and tell you any freelance, work, or life stories I may have.
If you have a resource of your own or one you stumble across that you want to share in a future Video Editor’s Digest, you can submit it here.
Alright, let’s get into it!
The Art of Editing a Love Movie — Command+Edit Podcast Episode 88
Hey there! Nick and I are back with a brand new special episode of the Command+Edit Podcast. We dive into the art of editing a love movie. We chat about how to edit a love-making scene, editing a first date conversation, editing a breakup scene, Whiplash, Titanic, Requiem for a Dream, and much more. Give it … Read more
Small Business Tactics for Editors: An Interview with Editor Rachel Bastarache Bogan — Command+Edit Podcast Episode 80
Hey there! Rachel Bastarache Bogan is the owner of Renegade Digital Post — a video editing company providing Hollywood-caliber services to filmmakers and content producers outside of Hollywood. In this interview, Nick and I find out Rachel’s strategies for working with new clients, how she finds clients not only locally but across the globe, and … Read more
The Office Life — Command+Edit Podcast Episode 78
Hey there! Nick and I are back together for a conversation about the differences, pros, cons, productivity levels, emotions, etc. between editing from a conventional office and your home office. We also catch up and recap my recent trip up to Toronto to visit Nick and meet him IRL for the first time. Hope … Read more
Castle Premiere and How a Poorly-Made Montage Can Effect Story
Monday night was the season premiere of Castle. It’s right up there with The Walking Dead for me. They are interchangeable as my #1 and #2 favorite shows. Last night I couldn’t wait for the Season 7 premiere as Season 6 ended in a cliffhanger. After the show I was left questioning how one poorly constructed montage had completely destroyed the credibility of many of the relationships the main character had built with other central characters.
Note #2: You don’t need to be a fan of the show to read this post. What I’m going to get into will go beyond the reach of the show and I’m merely using it as an example.